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" Skill is the missing link between principle and practice"

the joys of 

becoming spiritually skillful














Life Coach Karen Gaithers

Minister . Author . Educator . Mentor . Peacemaker

A watermark is an identifying image of pattern in paper that appears as various shades of lightness/darkness when viewed by transmitted light or when viewed by reflected light.


Through a variety of disciplines and resources which I have crafted and also lived out, let me provide you the needed light that is in God to help you become your best self and live the best life you have to live. 

Through Watermark Life Coaching, I help Christian Women overcome relationship trauma, unforgiveness and loss so they can live life happy, healthy and whole the way Christ originally intended.


"I have to say Karen's consistent guidance has been essential in my growth during my spiritual walk. I was tackling a great amount of doubt, depression and hopelessness during my daughter's transition to go off to college.  The end of my relationship with a significant other clouded my judgement and decision-making. Through patience, coaching, study, and prayer, Karen has impacted my spiritual growth and prayer life."  


~Angel Decoud, Inglewood, CA

"I'm so blessed and honored to have met and be mentored by Rev. Gaithers. I love her approach, she's helped so much and I look forward to every session."   


~Dee McAllister, Fresno, CA

"Over the last 2 - 3 years, I've participated in KGM prayer calls and two training sessions (a discipleship course and the Sum of My Call). Each aspect of this ministry helped renew my understanding of who God is and who I am because of what Jesus did. Ms. Karen's coaching, in particular, challenged me to be vulnerable about enduring and overcoming certain struggles and challenges. In doing so, I've experienced a greater sense of mercy and grace and have become more open to Jesus and others. I'm so grateful for Ms. Karen, the community she's facilitated, and her coaching. I live my faith more fully and proudly because of it."   

~DaMonique Ballou, New York, NY

"Ms. Karen is a compassionate, powerful, and gentle hearted woman of God, as she has a passion to reach the lost and teach about the mysteries of the Kingdom. Her love for the Lord exudes through her soul, as she desires to bring others out of darkness into His marvelous light. She has significantly impacted my life, as she has given me a renewed perspective of my identity in Christ,  helped me overcome bondage, and has been a listening ear that was so needed in this season. Her words challenged me, her conversations awakened my soul, and God used her to help me conquer the lies from the enemy. I am forever grateful for this woman of God, as the Lord used her to support me in so many areas of my life!"

Jahdai Dunk, Whittier, CA

Watermark Life Coaching











My coaching calendar is currently full. Coaching transitions happen every 3 months. Fill free to sign up on my waiting list so you will be first to be contacted when space becomes available.

Watermark Mediation






join the watermark community
"A Whole New Way of Coaching"

The Watermark Life Coaching Community consist of believers who are all striving and thriving to live their best life as overcomers who have experienced severe pain and oppression from grief, rejection, offenses and trauma (personally and spiritually), and also in matters dealing with life and health. These traumas can occur among family, friends, within our church and career as well.  This community of overcomers together, learn how to live a fully discipled life as a people who are "FREE INDEED." 


10 Notable Reasons to Join the Watermark Life Coaching Community  

A community that cultivates  a "Spiritually Skillful" walk of faith specifically for passionate, overcoming, committed believers.


1. Be a part of a community with striving and thriving passionate believers as peer-disciples and servant leaders of God who are coming out of darkness and into the marvelous light according to 1 Peter 2:9.


2  Quarterly group mentoring and skill-based training sessions by Coach Karen


3. Phenomenal discipleship groups and resources authored by Coach Karen and other notable authors and teachers.


4. Monthly access to the Watchmen On the Wall National Prayer Network of servant leaders.


5. Monthly Bible Study Fellowship 


6. Quarterly inspiring online discipleship events that informs, educate, inspire and mobilize believers into mastering a spiritually Skillful" walk of faith for passionate believers.


7. Year-round online and on-ground epic entertainment and fellowship events.


8. Quarterly Consecration and Fasts that targets spiritual oppression


9. An intentionally cultivated trusted and safe environment for any believer to grow and flow in their walk of faith.


10. Quarterly prayer covering by Kingdom Growth Movements board of directors.

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Matthew 5:9

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.


certified peacemaker training

Become a Skilled Christ-centered Peacemaker 

My Channel
Watch Now

Registration and more information:

the peacemaker

The "Peacemaker Project" is a short documentary in the making created to raise awareness about it's profound message to humanity and the many layers of mission and purpose that finds it roots in the message of the Gospel.  In 2023, I journeyed to the UK to collaborate with friends on this project who feel as passionate about the subject as I do. We have an amazing story in how all this came together. It's truly a "GOD THING."

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